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Lindsay Jeffreson Eliminated in 23rd Place ($1,500)

June 12, 2024 @ 02:13 PM

Lindsay Jeffreson

Tim Dancy called in the cutoff and Lindsay Jeffreson on the button moved all in for 410,000 which only Nathanial McNamara in the big blind called.

Lindsay Jeffreson:
Nathaniel McNamara:

The board ran out and the nines held up for McNamara to eliminate Jeffreson from the tournament.

Nathaniel McNamara2,300,000350,000
Lindsay Jeffreson0-425,000
Adam Rodriguez Eliminated in 24th Place ($1,500)

June 12, 2024 @ 02:02 PM

Adam Rodriguez

Keith Etienne raised to 120,000 from early position and in the small blind, Adam Rodriguez moved all in for 400,000 and Etienne called.

Adam Rodriguez:
Keith Etienne:

The board ran out and the ace on the turn gave Etienne the best hand, leaving Rodriguez to exit the tournament area.

Keith Etienne1,550,0001,550,000
Adam Rodriguez0-765,000
Abraham Doubles Through Cummings

June 12, 2024 @ 01:55 PM

Percy Abraham moved all in from the button for 435,000 and in the big blind Dylan Cummings called.

Percy Abraham:
Dylan Cummings:

The board ran out and the ace-king held up for Abraham to double up.

Percy Abraham1,050,000400,000
Dylan Cummings750,000-850,000
Final Three Table Redraw

June 12, 2024 @ 01:41 PM

TableSeatPlayerChip Count
Feature1Devin Cooper325,000
Feature2Jake Dennehy1,770,000
Feature3David Muser910,000
Feature4John Kelly (MA)660,000
Feature5Percy Abraham650,000
Feature6Jamie Naftzinger960,000
Feature7Dylan Cummings1,600,000
Feature8Billy Hayes1,300,000
11Ian Auvil980,000
12Thomas Nefcy910,000
13Miguel Medrano925,000
14Steven Morey1,180,000
15Frank Cordova760,000
16Patrick Terek1,080,000
17Jordan Teague895,000
18Antonio Tafuto2,900,000
21Adam Rodriguez765,000
22Patrick Martorella2,190,000
23Douglas Engelbert890,000
24Keith Eteinne1,035,000
25Tim Dancy1,595,000
26Lindsay Jeffreson425,000
27Parker Burgon1,565,000
28Nathaniel McNamara1,950,000
Antonio Tafuto2,900,000
Patrick Martorella2,190,0001,330,000
Nathaniel McNamara1,950,000570,000
Jake Dennehy1,770,00020,000
Dylan Cummings1,600,000-340,000
Tim Dancy1,595,000685,000
Parker Burgon1,565,000692,000
Billy Hayes1,300,000100,000
Steven Morey1,180,000115,000
Patrick Terek1,080,000-330,000
Keith Eteinne1,035,000
Ian Auvil980,000980,000
Jamie Naftzinger960,000230,000
Miguel Medrano925,000505,000
David Muser910,000-575,000
Thomas Nefcy910,000405,000
Jordan Teague895,000320,000
Douglas Engelbert890,000604,000
Adam Rodriguez765,000291,000
Frank Cordova760,000300,000
John Kelly (MA)660,000
Percy Abraham650,000219,000
Lindsay Jeffreson425,000425,000
Devin Cooper325,000

June 12, 2024 @ 01:14 PM

The players have gone on a 15-minute break while setting up the livestream.

Set Over Set Ends Wells Run

June 12, 2024 @ 01:05 PM

Jake Dennehy

Action was picked up with Jake Dennehy in the big blind having called Shelby Wells' all in for 480,000 from the cutoff.

Shelby Wells:
Jake Dennehy:

The promising door card of a was followed by a runout of which saw Dennehy make his set of jacks to beat Wells' set of sevens and Wells exited the tournament area.

Jake Dennehy1,750,000605,000
Shelby Wells00
Warren Fades Bubble

June 12, 2024 @ 01:04 PM

48th-41st Place Finishers ($900)

June 12, 2024 @ 12:51 PM

Patrick Long0-270,000
Benjamn Vogt0
Michael Lebit00
Dede Thompson0-265,000
Mark Hendrix0-135,000
Casey Nielsen0-530,000
Jayson Mintz0-205,000
Khojinur Usmanov00
Jimenez Falls

June 12, 2024 @ 12:39 PM

Rafael Jimenez

Dylan Cummings raised to 60,000 from the hijack and on the button, Rafael Jimenez moved all in for 100,000 total which saw Cummings call.

Rafael Jimenez:
Dylan Cummings:

The board ran out and the kings-up were good for Cummings to eliminate the former BPO Golden Nugget champion.

Dylan Cummings1,940,000100,000
Rafael Jimenez00
54th-49th Place Finishers ($800)

June 12, 2024 @ 12:27 PM

Luis Almonte Santana0-125,000
Charles Glover00
Michael Karnow0-295,000
Jeffrey Weinberg0-253,000
Andrew Roldan0-370,000
Matthew Roethgen0-137,000

2024 Photo Gallery


1: Miguel Medrano

$100,000 USD

2: Patrick Martorella

$55,000 USD

3: Steven Morey

$30,000 USD

4: Jamie Naftzinger

$20,000 USD

5: Antonio Tafuto

$15,000 USD

6: Jake Dennehy

$10,725 USD

7: Tim Dancy

$8,000 USD

8: Jordan Teague

$5,000 USD

9: Ian Auvil

$3,500 USD

10: Nathaniel McNamara

$3,000 USD

Show More

11: Douglas Engelbert

$2,600 USD

12: Percy Abraham

$2,600 USD

13: David Muser

$2,300 USD

14: John Kelly (MA)

$2,300 USD

15: Patrick Terek

$2,000 USD

16: Keith Etienne

$2,000 USD

17: Billy Hayes

$1,700 USD

18: Parker Burgon

$1,700 USD

19: Dylan Cummings

$1,700 USD

20: Frank Cordova

$1,700 USD

21: Devin Cooper

$1,500 USD

22: Thomas Nefcy

$1,500 USD

23: Lindsay Jeffreson

$1,500 USD

24: Adam Rodriguez

$1,500 USD

25: Luke Hoover

$1,300 USD

26: Shelby Williams

$1,300 USD

27: Jan Scotto

$1,300 USD

28: Clinton Musson

$1,300 USD

29: Clarinda Whitton

$1,300 USD

30: Jeremy Williamson

$1,300 USD

31: Rafael Jimenez

$1,300 USD

32: Les Mildenberg

$1,300 USD

33: Jon McClain

$1,100 USD

34: Nicol Schnitzer

$1,100 USD

35: John Ivarham

$1,100 USD

36: William Hurst

$1,100 USD

37: Patrick Keller

$1,100 USD

38: Jonathan Israel

$1,100 USD

39: Kenneth Miller

$1,100 USD

40: Karen Thompson

$1,100 USD

41: Patrick Long

$900 USD

42: Benjamin Vogt

$900 USD

43: Michael Lebit

$900 USD

44: Dene Thompson

$900 USD

45: Mark Hendrix

$900 USD

46: Casey Nielsen

$900 USD

47: Jayson Mintz

$900 USD

48: Khojinur Usmonov

$900 USD

49: Andrew Roldan

$800 USD

50: Jeffrey Weinberg

$800 USD

51: Michael Karnow

$800 USD

52: Charles Glover

$800 USD

53: Luis Almonte Santana

$800 USD

54: Matthew Roethgen

$800 USD

55: Christine Horning

$725 USD

56: James Street

$725 USD

57: Kevin Specter

$650 USD

58: Joshua Mordenti

$650 USD

59: Derrick Koonce

$650 USD

Top Chip Counts

1: Miguel Medrano

29,100,000 Chips

2: Patrick Martorella


3: Steven Morey


4: Jamie Naftzinger


5: Antonio Tafuto


6: Jake Dennehy


7: Tim Dancy


8: Jordan Teague


9: Ian Auvil


10: Nathaniel McNamara
