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Richter Finds The Best River

June 11, 2024 @ 11:48 AM

Action was picked up in a three-way pot with James Richter on the button with two other players out of position.

On the board reading and a pot containing 4,800 in the middle, the player in the big blind checked to the late position player who bet 1,200, which both Richter and the big blind called.

The turn peeled off the and action once more checked to the late position player who bet 3,000 and only Richter called this time.

On the river , the late position player checked over to Richter who bet 10,000, earning a quick call.

"Nuts," declared Richter as he turned over , which while not quite being the nuts was still a straight. His opponent nodded as he flashed for a rivered set of tens.

"I'd rather be lucky than good," Richter said while raking in the pot.

James Richter38,700
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