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A Boat For Tendam

June 11, 2024 @ 12:18 PM

Action was picked up on the flop in a pot between Damon Gizzi from under the gun and Hendrikus Tendam in the big blind.

With 3,000 in the center and a board reading , Tendam checked over to Gizzi, who bet 3,000, which Tendam responded to by raising to 6,000. Gizzi raised to 12,000 in response and Tendam called.

On the turn , Tendam bet 12,000, prompting Gizzi to move all in for 16,000, which Tendam called.

Damon Gizzi:
Hendrikus Tendam:

"Keep it clean, please," asked Gizzi, but the deck had other ideas as the river gave Tendam a full house to eliminate Gizzi from the tournament.

Hendrikus Tendam52,50052,500
Damon Gizzi00
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