Three Way All In Leaves Mildenberg Short
June 13, 2023 @ 06:09 PM
Stephen Saporetti raised all in from first position for 42,000 and Connie Hackmann cut out some chips to call but accidentally reraised to 74,000. After some confusion the raise stood and the action folded around to Les Mildenberg, in the big blind, who reraised all in for a total of 200,000 which Hackmann called.
Stephen Saporetti:
Connie Hackmann:
Les Mildenberg:
The board ran out giving Saporetti the triple up and Hackmann doubled her remaining stack through Mildenberg.
Connie Hackmann | 320,000 | 320,000 |
Stephen Saporetti | 153,000 | 153,000 |
Les Mildenberg | 47,000 | 47,000 |